A read receipt is a receipt generated when your email has been opened by the recipient. For as long as your email remains unread or unopened in their inbox, this receipt isn’t generated.

Keep in mind that not all the email providers and applications support read receipts in Outlook. For those who don’t support it, you will not receive any receipts for your emails in Outlook.

Request a Read Receipt For a Single Email In Outlook For Desktop

Outlook lets you set up read receipts for either all of your outgoing emails or the chosen ones. If you don’t need a receipt for each and every one of your emails, you can set it up only for the ones you want.

1. Open Outlook on your computer.

2. Click on the New Email option to compose a new email.

3. On the new email window, go to Options (tab) and click on it.

4. On the Options (tab), go to the Tracking (section). There are 2 options...

     i. Choose Request a Read Receipt option if you want to receive a receipt when this email of yours has been opened by the recipient.

    ii. Optionally, you can choose Request a Delivery Receipt to get notified when your email is delivered.


Now you you can complete your email. You're done.